Call for Art!


Art Committee will select three projects to be undertaken within June 2014 The budget for each art project is NOK.76.000
The presentation is requested sent electronically as pdf, it should contain max. 10 pages and not exceed 2Mb.
The presentation will be sent to: [email protected]

Vitenfabrikken is a Science Center located in Sandnes, Norway. The Science Center was opened in 2008, and consists of a 4,000 sqm building in Sandnes central city. Vitenfabrikken is exploring modern science, where the public are encouraged to participate and explore. The Science Center has a two-year program with six limited-time art projects. This call is looking for three projects.

Artists who are exploring new technologies and new media are invited to submit proposals for art projects. The term “Unstable Media” means projects of shifting, temporary character – characteristics are interactive, social and innovative projects.

“Unstable Media”
The jury wants to focus on a specific area within contemporary art practice that is considered to be particularly suitable for the Science Center. The jurys intention is to focus on obvious parallels in the work methods and approaches between such art practice and research / technology development.
The call wishes to specifically address artists who are exploring new technologies and new media.
Art projects with the use of ‘unstable media’ is identified as interactive, social and innovative. The art projects are temporary, changing, and can often take place through international networks. Concepts such as “physical computing”, the use of microcontrollers, sensors, hardware and software experiments is also mentioned.
Through a wide scale of approaches, from low-tech works of innovative research.
From the visualization of phenomena to the generation of new knowledge.
The term ‘unstable media’ could also include artists who work with sound, light and vivid image on a more direct way. The jury expects, however, that a certain degree of “instability” is present in the works – such as live video, audio processing, computer-controlled light displays, etc.
Similarly, this category could also include works of art in mechanical nature, meaning projects that make use of mechanics, electronics and computer technology for both production and presentation.
The jury would also be open to performance art or art that has performative elements into this category. Likewise interdisciplinary (“cross over”) methods.

The selected artprojects should reflect upon the Science Center and its activities, further it is pointed out that the art project will be presented on their own terms. All of the projects will have a duration of approx. A month.
During this month, the artist could carry out installation of a physical art project, conduct workshops in collaboration with the Science Center and the possibility of a presentation of their artworks.

Projects involving the following topics will be relevant:
Outer Space
Robot Technology / Programming

The artists will be asked to present one or more specific project that they believe may be relevant to that topic.
They will also be asked to present ideas to a workshop that can be conducted.

With shifting, temporary projects as the main strategy we have not identified any fixed locations for the art projects. To ensure maximum flexibility and artistic freedom, this should be identified in dialogue between the artists themselves the art consultant and the jury.

Relevant areas for the art projects are:
– Glass façade – highly visible in the city
– The Wall – visible from certain angles
– Entrance / large displays – visible from road entry

– Vestibule – visible from both inside and outside
– 2 floor: exhibition areas
– Planetarium – visible from both inside and outside
– Less obvious places – such as stairwells, restrooms, under tables and chairs, etc.

Art Committee will select three projects to be undertaken within June 2014.

The budget for each art project is NOK.76.000
The budget is expected to cover the following costs:
travel / accommodation / installation / artist fees
(Any equipment / materials to be used in a workshop should not be covered by the artist’s budget)

The Art Program is part of Sandnes Municipality’s artistic public art project in the Science Center.

By Hege Tapio