Opposite Solutions are Daniela Palimariu and Claudiu Cobilanschi (Romania)
Location: Nida Art Colony, Neringa
Dates: July-August 2013
METEO day out: art and science event in Nida by Nida Art Colony residents
Opposite Solutions (in residence at Nida Art Colony) and Nida Meteo Station invite you to METEO DAY OUT. This Saturday, July 27th, join us from 17.00 h for an evening of discovering the Meteorological science and taking part in related artistic activities. We will present our self-made SENSORS for the first time in public, and invite you to create your own versions.
Public presentations by Silvestras Dikčius, from the Meteo Institute, will be given at 17.00, 18.00 and 19.00 sharp.
More info: www.sensorsforsensors.net
Opposite Solutions are Daniela Palimariu and Claudiu Cobilanschi, two artists from Romania. They are in Techno-ecologies residence programme at Nida Art Colony in July and August 2013 together with other artists from Serbia, Germany and Finland.
More info:

Can you feel the Spill?
Location: Nida Art Colony, Neringa
Dates: July-August 2013
Les Mislerebles is Isidora Todorovic /theorist&artist/ in collaboration with Andrea Palasti /artist & independent curator/ and Luka Ranisavljevic /programmer/
The game to be downloaded from here

Location: Nida Art Colony, Neringa
Dates: June-July 2013
Grit Ruhland (DE)

Welcome to an open, collaborative mapping experiment!
Once you visit this website several times, you may find that it changes. If this is the case, it means that the experiment goes well and the platform is vivid. In any case, you are not only invited to explore, but also to get involved in creating the content. Images, texts, sounds and GPS-tracks can be submitted through info(at)indexmap.org or you can get registered there as contributing author.
This website consists of two categories by now: maps and minutes (an ongoing protocol/description how this website got into life). So far, categories resulted from conceptual interests and suggestions of the contributing protagonists. They are open, can be extended or changed. Contributors are welcome to write in English, Lithuanian and/or German, but not every text will be translated – a problem of capacity.
Maps try to represent areas. They highlight relationships between the elements in those areas – objects, regions and themes. Map making rise different questions about (public) space, reality, time, authorship, power of creation, design options and representation.

This project deals with artistic-epistemological inquiries, such as: How do we perceive the world? What means reality? How do signs, concepts and objects relate to each other? However, it also asks more politically active questions: What would be our sensitive interaction with environment? What are our responsibilities? How do we meet an agreement? The project does not aim to answer these questions. Rather it urges to imagine, pose and precise them while walking, observing and creating.
Dates: 01/05/2013 – 31/05/2014 2014 May – actual event 22-25 May 2014
Location: Lithuania – Nida
Organizer: Nida Art Colony of Vilnius Academy of Arts
Open Lab event with the working title “Marine and Sand Ecosystems” will consist of a conference-workshop accompanied with lectures. This event will be a knowledge exchange and sharing platform among professionals and public audience. The Open Lab workshop will be considered as an intensive research, which is made in a larger and short-term working groups of participants from different background (artists, biologists, marine researchers, curators) and experiences (professional artists and students). As Nida Art Colony is a branch of Vilnius Academy of Arts it can rely on a developed educational infrastructure & resources and implement innovations and experiments in art & education. The focus of research and artistic production is the site-specifics of Nida – a small resort town located on the coast of the Baltic Sea in National Nature Park.
The Open Lab event will host 10 international and 8 local participants, as well as local audience (30-40).