LORNA is announcing call for WorkLab and festival in Iceland March 23, 2015June 26, 2015Art and Energy, Biotechnology, Ecology, Nature and Technology, Open Source, _Call, _Festival, _Workshop
NORTH Creative Network – CALL FOR ART PROJECTS February 10, 2015June 26, 2015Art and Energy, Art and Science, Biotechnology, Cultural Heritage, Ecology, Food as Energy, Open Source, Renewable and Sustainable Technologies, Renewable Energy, _Call
Open vacancy – project “NORTH Creative network” coordinator September 18, 2014June 26, 2015Participatory Culture, _Call
Maaland: Open call for workshops July 13-18, 2013 May 30, 2013Alternative Economy, Art and Agriculture, Cultural Heritage, Ecology, Participatory Culture, Uncategorized, _Call, _Workshop