Talk to Me in Pixelache 2012

In May 10-13 we – Daina and Agnese – went to Helsinki to take part in Pixelache 2012 festival. We set up an installation presenting “Talk to Me” artwork by RIXC and upcoming “Talk to Me” network at Arbis centre where other various maker, open design, trashlab and hacklab projects from Finland, Latvia, Germany, United States, Denmark and Russia were shown.

“Talk to Me” installation in Pixelache 2012 festival. May 2012, Helsinki, Filand. Photo: Daina Silina

Daina also made a presentation in Camp Pixelache unconference under the theme “Do-It-With-Others” on May 12 about “Talk to Me” project and other RIXC’s future activities including “Biotricity” symposium in Saliņas and Pedvāle in Kurzeme region in Latvia which will take place in July 26-28, this summer (detailed information is coming soon here, through Renewable mailing-list and elsewhere).

Presentation in Camp Pixelache unconference, 12 May 2012. Photo: Antti Ahonen

We were there also to meet our partners from Renewable Network in upcoming activities under the theme of “Techno-ecologies” which was undertaken last year in RIXC’s “Techno-ecologies” festival).

This summer (and beginning of autumn) RIXC is developing “Talk to Me” network exhibiting the work in several cities in Europe (Basel, Ventspils and Riga and other places). “Talk To Me” is a plant communication project and a networked installation, consisting of three main parts: onsite – live growing bean-plant in the exhibition space (“equipped” with web-cam, wi-fi connection and loudspeakers); online – an interface that allows people to “talk” to the plants remotely
(via the internet); and networked nodes – other plants growing in other countries of Europe. The messages submitted by exhibition visitors (or online audience) are read out loudly to the plant in the exhibition, and translated in the corresponding language for bean-plants in the network. Talk to plants growing in already set locations here:!

“Talk to Me” project scheme and postcard developed by Rasa Smite, Raitis Smits and Martins Ratniks. (Click on the image to see it in details.)

Our participation in Pixelache 2012 was made possible thanks to Nordic Culture Point mobility grant.

by Daina / RIXC