The Creative Apprenticeships in the framework of Hybrid Fabrication Worklab took place in May–June 2016 as a collaboration among project partners Hangar (Spain), Art Research Lab (MPLab) of Liepāja University and RIXC. In a result 2 artists from Latvia – Rihards Vitols and Paula Vitola – went for 2-3-weeks residency (creative apprenticeships) in Hangar.
During Paula’s two weeks stay in Hangar residency she was developing further her project Sun Sounds which includes a recording device for sounds using sunlight for transmission, inspired from sun telephone which was invented in 19th century by Albert Bell. New field recordings in Barcelona and experiments with technology – mirrors, lenses, solar cells etc. resulted in the creation of the next version of the project.
Sun Sounds by Paula Vitola
Rihards was continuing to work on his wind project, building a system for wind data collecting in Barcelona. The goal is to make several works around the theme of wind. One of the works will be a wind water field. In this field it will be possible to see the wind patterns from different places in the world.
Both apprenticeships included also a ‘job shadowing’ – work with school children and introducing them with new digital tools – 3D printing, CNC machines etc. and creative use of them.
– 2 workshop with kids
– 2 creative apprenticeships (2 artist exchanges between Latvia and Spain)