Renewable Network Meeting @ Pixelache

During the Camp Pixelache meeting on Sunday, March 13, 15:00–16:30

Since 2009, the artists collective RIXC has worked in cross-fields of art and energy by addressing sustainability issues and initiating a series of events and co-projects, in a result of which new Baltic Nordic cooperation platform – the Network for Art and Renewable Energy Technologies (Renewable Network) was launched.

During the meeting:

  • __we will present RENEWABLE NETWORK map/interface developed by RIXC (also featured in Camp Pixelache exhibition)
  • __we will present the newly published journal: ENERGY. Scientific and Artistic, Utopian and Critical Visions (Acoustic Space. No. 8, a peer-reviewed journal for transdisciplinary research on art, science, technology and society). In this volume, scientists and artists, academic researchers, media theorists, social scientists, activists and other lateral thinkers are introducing their scientific and artistic, utopian and critical visions on future terrestrial energy. Edited by Rasa Smite, Armin Medosch, Kerstin Mey, Raitis Smits. Riga: RIXC, Liepaja: LiepU MPLab, 2011.
  • __you will be kindly asked to introduce with your newest projects. Also, discussions are welcome!

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